
Erasmus Mundus joint master programmes

Admission requirements


Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in Environmental Technology and Engineering - IMETE
Admission requirements IMETE

Responsible Fellowship and admission officer: Jolanda Boots

Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in Coastal Hazards, Risks, Climate Change and Adaptation  - COASTHazar
Admission requirement Coasthazar

Responsible Fellowship and admission officer: Sophie Heinis

Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in Groundwater and Global Change  - GroundwatCH
Admission requirements GroundwatCH

Responsible Fellowship and admission officer: Sophie Heinis

Erasmus Mundus joint master programme in Flood Risk Management (FRM) - Website: Flood Risk Management
Admission requirements | Floodriskmaster

Responsible Fellowship and admission officer: Ineke Melis

Application and admission process

We recommend you choose the Erasmus Mundus programme that suits you best: pick the programme that best suits your academic background and ambitions and for which you have the right academic qualifications and, if relevant, work experience.

Before starting your application, carefully read all the information about the application and admission procedure on the website of the programme you intend to apply to. For questions, check our Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Apply for admission to and a scholarship for one of the Erasmus Mundus programmes by completing and submitting an online application via the "Apply now" button at the bottom of this page.

Upload the following documents to apply:  

  • Photocopy of your passport or ID
  • Certified copy of your academic diploma BSc Degree 
  • Certified copy of your academic diploma MSc Degree (if applicable)
  • Certified copy of your academic transcript BSc Degree 
  • Certified copy of your academic transcript MSc Degree (if applicable)
  • Your Curriculum Vitae
  • Two letters of recommendation 
  • Result of an English language test (if required, see English language requirements

All information and documents should be provided in English. If any of the original documents is in another language, an official English translation by a sworn translator is required, in addition to the original document.

Authenticated or certified copies are copies with an official stamp to verify that the copies are true copies of original documents. This official stamp may be from one of the following: a solicitor/notary, the educational institution from where the student gained the diplomas or the local council/local authority/local government office. If you have not yet obtained your BSc degree, and you are in the last year of your study, please attach a statement from your university confirming that you are in the last year of your BSc study and that you are expected to graduate before 15 August 2024. Submit this instead of a copy of your BSc diploma. Also attach the transcript showing the subjects you followed and the marks and credits obtained so far.

Useful links:

·         Frequently asked questions IMETE

·         Frequently asked questions Coasthazar

·         Frequently asked questions Floodriskmaster

·         Frequently asked questions GroundwatCH 

·         English language requirements

If you encounter problems when filling in your online application, consult the Frequently Asked Questions: FAQ

After you have submitted your application, you will receive confirmation that your application has been submitted. By end April 2024, you will be informed whether your application for a place at IHE Delft has been successful and/or whether you have been granted a scholarship (if relevant). 

Privacy statement

By submitting this application, you agree with the privacy statement below.

The personal details you share with us during the application process, either through the application form or other means, will be used, if needed, by IHE Delft for the purpose of application, admission, administration, communication, education and keeping our alumni network up-to-date. IHE Delft will process your personal details in accordance with the EU General Data Protection Regulation.  For more information we refer you to the IHE Delft Privacy statement.

The personal details will be shared when needed during these processes with third parties such as partner universities, Immigration and Naturalization Service (IND), Education Executive Agency (DUO), DUWO housing facilities, Municipality etc. No information will be shared with persons, companies or organisations outside the context of the education and the support activities without your prior consent.  For further questions please contact our Data Protection Officer at





Sophie Heinis

Fellowship and Admission officer


   +31 15 215 1128


* CoastHazar:


* Groundwatch:



Jolanda Boots

Fellowship and Admission officer


   +31 15 215 1856


Ineke Melis

Fellowship and Admission officer



   +31 15 215 1705